Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Currency of the Future

It's hard to believe that one political decision could make such a huge difference! 37 years ago when then President Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard he made 'trust' the primary currency of the USA -- and the world. Our 'greenbacks' today are promissory notes and they are traded because we 'trust' one another and we 'trust' the financial system.

But what happens when we don't 'trust' each other? When greed-driven CEO's swap credit, fund bad loans and then parachute safely, trust is broken.

I think we could endure the massive reductions in 401K values, the foreclosures and even the layoffs beginning to pile up from the likes of GM, Ford and others -- if we had 'trust' in the system and in our leaders. But we don't.

As the economic shifts impact the world around us, you and I must strengthen the currency that lasts -- 'trust.' We must choose to be trustworthy and trust others with like-minded character, integrity and dependability.

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