Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Change We Need?

Sen. Barack Obama was in town last night. I didn't go but saw "clips" of his stump speech on the news. Without question he is an inspiring speaker. If I didn't listen to what he said (back to that in a moment) how he said it was absolutely superb!

Part way through his talk I caught a glimpse of the placards people were holding up behind Obama in the rain. They read "Change We Need." After that I couldn't hear a word he said because I started thinking about it. What is the "Change We Need?" and do we really need change?

I have concluded that Sen. Obama is half right and half wrong. He is nearly prophetic when he calls on Americans to hope again or declares that it's time for change. His insight is right on target. But then the half-wrong part kicks in. We all know that we don't really need the kind of change that creates an increased dependence on the government. But we also intrinsically know that a change to a less intrusive government won't solve our problems either (though I would welcome this!).

What kind of change do we need? Integrity. Honesty. Servanthood. We need politicians to stop looking out after themselves. We need people to talk to one another as grown ups and be clear about the real issues. Most of all we need people who are not hungry for more power -- they are serving to empower others.

We need a change of heart and this I'm afraid is a much more difficult problem to solve. Reading 2 Chronicles 7:14 gives us a clue as to how to get there. "If My people which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sign and will heal their land."

Yes, Obama it is "Change We Need." It's just not your kind of change.

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