Monday, November 03, 2008

Hearts and Wallets

Jesus' said you can't serve God and Stuff (Matthew 6:24), but I am wondering today how many people have intentionally aligned their hearts with their wallets. Or do we privately serve God, but publicly fill our time and energy with the pursuit of Stuff? Here's a quick quiz that may challege you to align your heart and your wallet.

1) Do you have enough left over every month to give to the poor?

2) When's the last time you invested time to help someone who couldn't pay you back?

3) Have you chosen a place to volunteer so that your skill/talent can be of benefit to others?

4) As the holidays approach are you thinking more about what you "need," or about what you can give to others?

5) Are you voting for what benefits you or benefits the country? Let me know how you did on the quiz and your thoughts about living intentionally for others

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