Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We arrived yesterday in Hyderabad, India, luggage and team in tact. Today our task was fairly simple. Go down to the market and find "costumes," (wardrobe) for the four teenagers who are acting in the Christmas TV drama. All twelve of us loaded up in the van and drove to the agreed upon spot to meet the Costume Designer.

The day was long, but basically went off without a hitch. We went to one of my favorite bazaars, shopped for clothes, shoes and got just what we needed.

Then as we were walking back to the van I saw her. Her legs were broken and mangled. She wore what looked like a black robe. She couldn't walk, but she was scraping and clawing with her hands down the middle of the road. Cars, trucks, motorcycles and auto-rickshaws buzzed around her as if she didn't exist. Amazingly there was a sparkle of determination in her eyes to complete her day's journey.

I couldn't get to her as she was unreachable because of the traffic. I knew she was an "untouchable" by societal standards but not unloved. She was someone that Jesus died for.

As my days starts today I can't get the scene out of my mind's eye. God loves her and I must do something to reach her (and so many others) with His love. It is the only hope she will ever have.

1 comment:

Connie Brew said...

When I read your post from the Marketplace, it made me want to cry. Thank you for being the leader that you desire to be in the leadership post. I'm so excited that you and Becky and the children are experiencing this trip together. The kids are being imprinted in ways that only God can see right now, but wow, what a legacy they are being given. Blessings to you all. Our prayers are with you.